With a quick ADS time and a powerful punch, the Tundra will revive the old sniping ways in the best way possible. A single shot to the head, chest, or shoulders will grant a one-shot-kill, making the Tundra an assured winner. In the sniping department, damage is key, and the LW3 Tundra has more base damage and room for error.

Whilst the M82 ranks bottom of our list, it is by no means a bad Sniper and should be considered as the third best Sniper in Black Ops Cold War rather than the worst.

The semi-auto is not as powerful as the bolt-actions, but a shot to the head or the upper torso will still eliminate an opponent. Casting your minds back to the SVU-AS in Black Ops 1 and the PSG1 in the sequel, these Snipers ranked lowly but were actually quite successful. Inherently, Black Ops semi-automatic Snipers are not as bad as they seem.